It’s just too hard to avoid sometimes. You can do everything, from cutting back on monthly expenses to selling assets to make ends meet. Taking out the budget grocery list and doing anything you can get to get by. In the...
Divorce is like back surgery, or the removal of a tumor, and a long list of other incredibly painful and complicated procedures. It is not fun, it is going to cost time and money, and if unsuccessful can leave one in an...
When an accident results in a fatality, it can often lead to a wrongful death civil suit, but what exactly does that mean? The answer isn’t simple. It can mean something different for different situations. By familiarizing
Negligence is when you have a duty that you have to exercise towards somebody, and then you fail to use reasonable care to meet that duty and that causes injury. That would be negligence. In the field of medical malpractice,
It’s important to keep your traffic record clean. It can affect both your personal and your driving record, as well as add to your car insurance costs. Avoiding tickets also saves you hundreds of dollars or more. But how do